Monday, September 7, 2009

i eat squares like you for breakfast

September 5: It's the Labour Day long weekend here in Canada and we're spending a couple of days at Trav's Mum's home in Cultus Lake. Here are some pics of the lake on our first (cloudy) day. So beautiful! September 4: We got our very own Rebel - most excellent!
September 3: Well... we planned to go to Bowen Island today, but to get there we needed to take a water taxi and there's only so many water taxi's each day so we had to book online the day before. We woke up early and it was a really overcast and rainy day so we decided to forfeit our trip (and a one way fare - $30). But then by about 10am it was fining up, and figuring we shouldn't waste our money we decided to go anyway.
We got on the boat, got about 5 minutes into the 35 minute trip and the boat had engine problems. We sat on the water for a few minutes before the boat was turned around and driven very, very slowly back into the ferry dock and we were told there would be no more trips until the afternoon. We decided we should have listened to 'that feeling' we'd had about the trip and got our money back from the guy and decided to go to the aquarium instead.
The aquarium was AWESOME! We saw the beluga whales and turtles and all things watery - including a 4D theatre.
There's a marketing job going at the Aquarium which Zanne is going to apply for - please cross fingers and toes for her!

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