Tuesday, September 29, 2009

an inappropriate over-reaction

September 27: A beautiful, sunny Sunday prompted a leisurely walk to Granville Island where we browsed the markets, and Zanne got high on donuts and I on mango gelato. 

September 26:  We took these while waiting for our friend Fan to pick us up. We were on our way to a wine bar for a drink. Who is more comfortable in front of the camera do you think???September 25: It is barely Fall here and already there is a briskness to the air. And the leaves are beginning to turn! I love being able to experience the seasons - with 9 months of summer weather, Brisbane really misses out in this respect. I'm so excited for Zanne to experience each of Vancouver's seasons. 

Also, today I was offered a position as a volunteer at Qmunity. I enjoy being active in my community and am super stoked to be a part of an organisation that provides ongoing support and resources and programs for BC queers. It's likely that I will be working on reception to begin with but eventually I hope to be involved with the Prideline which is a support/info line. It was also mentioned during my interview that a regular newsletter would be welcomed if I was interested in starting one - what a cool opportunity!

September 24: Some pics from my photography class - the left is underexposed and the right is overexposed. Inspiring eh? Ha!

Today I had a terrible interview with a loser who hadn't read my resume but still suggested I didn't have good employment prospects anyways. Grrrr! I moped about all afternoon but my class cheered me (any creative activity always does!). I really like our teacher, Mary. I find her bright and friendly and a little eccentric. I'm not sure that my classmates share my positive opinion though - in my class of 12-ish people I seem to be the only one laughing with her. Some people might say I'm easily amused but I actually think that my classmates might lack a sense of humour, some of them seem a little uptight to be honest. Whatevs.  Shan

1 comment:

  1. Granville Island looks beautiful! What's with all the stop signs though?


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