Sunday, October 4, 2009

at least we're really. really good looking

October 2: We had lunch today at the Fountainhead on Davie and were joined by this little guy. He was a little fatty! He ate the whole top of a sunflower and didn't care who saw it.
PS. Peta and Martin left us today to continue their West Coast roadtrip - we're incredibly jealous and wish them well... If only they'd update their blog so we could be kept in the loop...
October 1: Zanne, Peta and Martin enjoyed the Canucks first (hockey) game of the season at our friends' place - I was absent cos I was at my photog class :-(
Here our friends' little boy in his very own Canucks jersey - KEWSH!
PS. Unfortunately the Canucks lost to the Calgary Flames 5-3
September 30: We have had visitors this week - woo! Peta and Martin are on a 7 month backpacking adventure and we were lucky enough to share some wine time with them.
September 29: A photo of the skytrain tunnel, and the reflection of the skytrain (and Zanne) in its window.
September 28: Eek! The rain is here... Where did the mountains go?!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOL! Sorry, I am aware you are not in Australia, I had Australia on the brain!


Time in Vancouver:

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