Monday, October 5, 2009

do you wanna do me with this hair? you can call me Russell...

'Holy crap!' said Shan when she saw that I'd actually opened our blog to write something. I've been wanting to blog, I really have! But the last few weeks have pretty much been spent sitting on the couch and applying for jobs and doing assignments etc etc (and maybe watching Kath & Kim etc etc), and that's not really interesting enough to blog about - I don't think so anyway. But then Shan reminded me that we have had a few things happening and I need to update everyone.

On the job front - Shan had another job interview this week, which she finds out about tomorrow. It would be a great job (good money, 6 month contract, possibility of a permanent position after contract) and we're both hoping she gets it, but we're not holding our breathe. We don't want to get our hopes up but we're still thinking positive. If it doesn't happen, she'll start talking to a few more recruitment agencies and see what comes of that.

For me, it's still very quiet. I managed to pick up some freelance work, which is good and it could become an ongoing thing, but I'm still definitely looking for fulltime work. We both need to be employed fulltime if we want to apply for permanent residency in a couple of years. I applied for one position I'd really really like, so fingers and toes.. again. I'm also catching up with a PR manager of a big agency on Wednesday, thanks to a hook-up from the lovely MC. In the meantime I'm keeping busy with various online projects and there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to do them, so most of the time I'm secretly happy we have all day at home.

It was also great when we had Peta and Martin visit this week. They were wonderful guests and we had a good time showing them the few cool places we know in Vancouver. Peta and I actually know each other from forever ago. I went to primary school with Peta's younger brother and I used to have sleepovers at their house when Mitch and I were like 8 years old. I always remembered her as Mitch's older, much more mature sister. When we were 10 and talking about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, she was 15 and listening to Nirvana. It was nice to catch up and chat about old times, even if Shan and Martin had no idea what we were talking about.

On Saturday we went to the Qmunity Volunteer BBQ and met some cool peeps. We're both looking forward to getting involved with the GBLT community here. It was a beautiful sunny day that was bitterly cold! We both committed to wearing many layers and carrying gloves with us everywhere we go from now on.

This weekend we're heading out to Mumsie's for a Thanksgiving dinner, before going to the Okanagan for a wine festival with Fan and Trav. Fan, in all her brilliance, managed to snag us a really great deal on an apartment for the weekend so that means more mullah for wine and cheese!

We're missing our friends and family and hope you're all doing good. We talk about everyone all the time and about all the fun stuff we did before we left. As much as we hope to make great friends while we're here, we also hope to pick right up where we left of with the friends we have at home when we eventually make it back there.

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