Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Funny, I plan to spend my money the same way

Along with the rest of world, Australia is now officially in a recession. To combat this, our trusty Prime Minister, K-Rudd, is handing out stimulus packages to most Australians. The stimulus packages consist of a $900 one-off payment to the unemployed, carers of children under 18 (they actually get $900 per child), and anyone earning less than $90k a year - so pretty much 90% of the population. The government is encouraging everyone to spend! spend! spend! their $900 to keep people in jobs which will keep the economy going. Fair thought. So now that the money is slowly trickling into peoples bank accounts, there's a lot of talk about what people are actually spending their cash on. A lot of people, like us, are using it to pay off credit cards, pay bills or put into savings. But then some people, like Connor of Cairns (below), plans to spend it in different (better!) ways.
If you can't read it, it says: "I'll be spending it on the ladies - high class ladies. That's how I roll - Cover Girls."

Well played kid.


  1. Haha! Hilarious!

    $900 is a really nice chunk of change... enjoy it!

  2. funny hey?!

    yeah the $900 will be sweet when it FINALLY arrives. Although it is going straight on credit cards so we won't really get to play with it. There's talk of another payment later in the year... woo!


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