Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Shan I are crazy busy at the moment with fingers in many pies - mmmapplepiemmm.

On top of working full time, Shan is completing her Bachelor of Journalism completely externally, which means she has to set her own pace and learn everything from text books and online tutorials. She's doing really well, and has determination and commitment that I admire. Instead of crashing out on the couch at night like I do, she sits up and reads and works on assignments.

As ya'll know, I'm arranging the Queen's Birthday Community Awards which is taking place in about six weeks (EEEP!). It's coming together slowly but I keep thinking of things I need to do at 3am, and when I toss and turn it always wakes Shan up. She's sweet and always asks if I'm ok, and I always say yes, and she cuddles me and it makes me feel better. And then I say thank you in the morning and she never remembers doing it.

We've also just started working on a new project with a web developer from my work, Nick. With his web-smarts and our word-smarts we're putting together an awesome new site that reviews things we love. Shan's going to review music, I'm going to review all things cool (accessories, new gadgets, skateboards), my friend Michael is going to review men's fashion and beauty and Nick is going to cover tech. We're also going to have travel, women's fashion and other sections, but we're still looking for people to look fill these. The site isn't going to focus on the tech specs and all that boring stuff, it's going to be our review on whether or not it lives up to the hype, if it's as cool/useful/delicious/comfortable as it's made out to be. Once the web address is secured and the site is up I'll introduce it with a bit of fanfare. Nick says it should be up tomorrow, so stay tuned!

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