Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's Christmas!!

well... it's almost Christmas! And as of today, both Shan and I are on Christmas holidays. I know we only just had 3 months off, but damn it feels good to have another 2.5 weeks to do nothing but hang out with friends and work on all our little projects!

This is my project for the next couple of weeks:

cool eh? I found it at Milena's folks place last weekend, in amongst some long grass and pieces of wire fencing. The rims were too rusted to save, but the rest is still ok and I plan to retore it to its former gloriousness! I'm thinking bottle green for the frame, black for the handle bars and brown leather for the seat and grips. Now where do I find a sandblaster...?

1 comment:

  1. Please send address so I can send you the two little stocking stuffers I got you...we'll just call them Aussie day / Zanne birthday pressies! :-)
    Missing you. Weston can't wait for Santa to come.


Time in Vancouver:

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