Friday, December 4, 2009


Well, clearly our little blog has been a bit neglected lately. Sorry dudes, we’ve been so busy with settling back in at home that blogging has taken a backseat. Both of us started jobs the very day after we arrived home so it has taken us a few weeks to get ourselves sorted with work, money, new car, commuting, family stuff, etc. We’re back on track though, especially now that we’ve resolved our no-internet situation with some wifi (woot!).

So, blogging friends, how are you all? I’ve had such little contact with the internet lately that I haven’t even been able to keep up with your up-to-dates (*pout*). I have been lucky enough to return to my old job (on contract), however while Zanne and I were in Vancouver my employer decided to become super-strict on internet usage, which is very inconvenient for me – don’t they know I want to blog and such?! (For the record my job is very un-busy and I generally have a half day’s work to stretch across a whole day… Now that I can’t use the internet I’ve taken to playing solitaire. Shhh! Don’t tell anyone). Anyways, here are some brief up-to-dates for us:


It’s great to be home. Quite a few people have made comments such as: “I’m sorry your travels didn’t work out the way you wanted” (ie. a few years in Vancouver), but we’re honestly not even thinking like that. We’re just proud of ourselves for giving it a go. Now we never have to wonder what it would have been like to make the move to Vancouver cos we tried it and our timing was off (not only in terms of the economy…). I know when we reflect on our travels now we think of our 3 months of fun and feel very lucky to have had such an extended honeymoon.

Zanne and I are living with my parents again. My Mum spoils us both, so of course we love it there! Given that we have credit cards to pay off and are now planning to save and buy our very own home, my poor parents will likely be stuck with us for the next year. They enjoy having us around – or so they says! – but we’re still planning frequent camping trips next year to give us all time by ourselves.

The only problem with living with my parents is that they live way out in the ‘burbs, which means an hour+ commute each way to work. We’ve given up on trying to drive to work (sitting in traffic s*cks!) and are now catching the train, which is surprisingly bearable – and will be more so once we buy a lovely new, fast, small and light laptop to pass the time with.


As I’ve said, Zanne and I both started work the day after we landed home.

Zanne applied for jobs while we were still in Canada, had some skype interviews while on our honeymoon and, after a bit of negotiation, was employed by a small company in Milton as a Brand Manager – she said it was a bit odd to start a job without having met anyone or having visited the office. It turns out her new job is a bit fabulous – she has her own office (with a door!), a parking space and her own team reporting to her. Guess what her team’s name is? Team Alpha… that’s right, Zanne heads up the A Team! Ha! The job comes with a bit of stress and not enough money, but hopefully those things will sort themselves out – especially cos Zanne is already her boss’ fave (of course!).

I’m back at my old job, currently on contract until 18 December. I work in the public service so I can’t simply be made a permanent member of staff, I have to re-apply and re-interview for my own job. It’s totally stoopid, and there’s so much office politics involved that I actually won’t be disappointed if I’m not re-employed. That being said though, this job is so easy and has such awesome working conditions that re-applying was a no-brainer. My interview is next Tuesday so fingers crossed!


Christmas is another reason I’m happy to be home – cos what’s Christmas Day without fam?! Zanne and I brought everyone small gifts while we were on our honeymoon and I’m so excited to hand them all out! We won’t be doing much on the Christmas break, partly because it will be too effing hot and partly cos it’s gonna take a couple of months for us to have money to spend again (honeymoon = credit card debt), however we’ll likely have quite a bit of wine time with our friends I think – oh yeah! There has been mention of buying a kids’ swimming pool for backyard summertime lounging – we’re all class! – but no decision has been made in that regard. No doubt said pool would provide some funny stories though – probably all sunburn related!
Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. miss you....nice to get an update. Sending you email now.


Time in Vancouver:

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