Friday, January 8, 2010

the faggot stitch

December 15: We gay-ed up our car today. Woot! December 14: A couple of days ago I began thinking about teaching myself to sew. You see, I have to cover my tattoos at work and have found it really hot wearing jumpers and long pants lately (it's the middle of summer!) so I thought I might give skirts a go. Surely I can sew a skirt?Anyways I ordered a sewing machine online and it arrived today - isn't she beautiful?!
December 13: As if our nephew Noah didn't already think Zanne is the bee's knees... Today Zanne entertained Noah with her skating skills, and he came up with some moves of his own (bottom right).
He didn't tire of the skateboarding, constantly asking for "more".It all ended though after Zanne and Noah went down the driveway together and came off on the road. Oops. No-one was hurt but we decided to play a different game anyways.
December 12: Zanne and I have taken up squash (there's not much else to do out in the 'burbs). It's very fun and we laugh a lot. But we're very un-fit which means we also sweat a lot... and become very red in the face. Shan

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