Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Woot! We've been tagged! Our fave new daddies at It's Daddies, Plural tagged us (thanks gents and Kensi) and now we're excited to tag it forward.

The rules for this award:
1) Choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design.
2) Show the 7 winners names and links on your blog, and leave a comment informing them that they were prized with “Honest Scrap.” Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon.
3) List at least 10 honest things about yourself.

Right-e-o, here's our 10 honest things:

Zanne: I want to get married in sneakers in the snow.

Shan: I paint sometimes, and screenprint t-shirts.

Zanne: I always seem to pay bills late. Not too late, but they’re never early/on time. I think this is a small part of me rebelling against ‘the man’.

Shan: I quote lyrics in conversation. I can’t help it, I love music.

Zanne: For the first 5 months that we dated I sent Shan a new song every weekday so I could tell her how much I liked her without having to tell her, myself, how much I actually liked her.

Shan: Travelling solo for 2 years is my greatest achievement so far. I set a goal, I worked hard, I funded it all myself. I am now confident and independent and know I can achieve that which I set my mind to. I now know myself and I attribute this to my experiences overseas - the good ones, and the bad ones.

Zanne: I love volunteering on the Brisbane Pride Festival organizing committee.

Shan: I study an undergraduate degree externally. Ever the over-achiever, I’m terrified of a fail.
Zanne: I got a video camera for my birthday and have secret dreams to be a youtube sensation.

Shan: Home is where your heart is and my heart is in Vancouver. I can’t wait to return in August and I have high hopes that Zanne and I will stay there for a few years.

7 Blogs we read on a regular basis, and think you should too:
It's Daddies, Plural

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Time in Vancouver:

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