Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We are a pair of parentheses

Today is our 10 month anniversary. I know it doesn't really sound like that long for a lot of people, and it doesn't to me when I say it out loud, but after 10 months I love Shan more than I thought was possible after years and years. It feels like we have always been together and like it was always just meant to be. Just the other day we talked about how we couldn't really remember what it was like before, because this just feels so perfect. 

I hope 10 months turns into 10 years and then 50 years, and that we're as happy in 50 years as we are today cos today I'm floating. I love you my beautiful girl xxx



  1. Your story was extremely touching. Your expressiveness demonstrates what an incredible connection you had with this other person and I can sympathize and relate to every word.

  2. Happy 10 month anniversary! Holly and I had the same feelings when we first met. We used to just look at eachother and say, "You're it, you're the one." We still feel the same way 6 years later - she's my true north.


Time in Vancouver:

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