Thursday, August 13, 2009

i call her princess face

August 12: Today we met our one week old niece, Giselle. Check these photos out - she is BEAUTIFUL!
August 11: When I was travelling in Europe it amused me that people believed the Kangaroos-in-our-backyard stereotype... Well, as it turns out, sometimes the stereotype is true.
Here is a photo my Mum took of some Wallabies hanging out just over the back fence. The Wallaby at the front has a little Joey in her pouch (but it was a bit camera shy). Rad hey?
August 10: Dinner at Kelly and Tarquin's house - mini pizzas yeah!!


  1. we look good with a baby... just sayin'. Zx

  2. Oh Giselle is beautiful and I can't believe you have Wallabies in your backyard! That is so cool!


Time in Vancouver:

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