Wednesday, September 2, 2009

and it was all yellow

August 31: A lot happened today...
We finally found a great breakfast place woot! Bon's Off Broadway has a $2.95 all day breakfast and Britney posters on the walls - even Rad Stewart loves it there ha! Speaking of walls, they matched my shirt *wink*. We'll be Bon's regulars for sure me-thinks.
We found an affordable grocery store - stoked! Although for some reason vegemite is $11.99 - as if! Lucky Zanne brought her own tube of it with her.
Zanne's 6 month shoe search reached a happy end - I'll let her share that story with you. I hear she's got a very entertaining blog lined up.
We ended the day by watching the sunset on the seawall with our new besties, "our" bikes. Ah, Vancouver. You woo me until the sun goes down...
August 30: We enjoyed the PNE (Pacific National Exhibition) with some of our friends today. The PNE is a summer fair which has been running for 99 years! It's like the Brisbane Ekka, without the show bags (cos that's an Australian thing it would seem).
Zanne loved the donuts and fairy floss; Weston loved the animals.
Note below: The 3,000lb oxen who were taller than me!
PS. Milena, the Sausage Haus pic is for you! xo
August 29: Our friend Trav and his softball team, The Drunken Berries, played in the playoffs today. We were there the whole day to cheer him on - and Zanne has the sunburn to prove it! How funny that she has her first sunburn for years in Canada (which is certainly not as hot as Australia!). Actually it's not really funny, her poor legs were so sore she could barely walk.
Note below: The bbq made from the front of a car and the dual beer bong being enjoyed by one of the competing teams.

1 comment:

  1. Ouch on the sunburn! I love the pictures of your days in Vancouver... it makes me want to pack up my stuff and move.

    Thank you for sharing!


Time in Vancouver:

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