Wednesday, October 7, 2009

a slight change in plans...

an email that we sent to family about 3 hours ago...

Hello family, how's it going?

I'm writing with a bit of an announcement... we've had a change of plans... involving returning to Brisbane. The thing is, the job search hasn't gone so well. We've both been looking down the barrel of $12/hr admin jobs, which is not only a step back in our careers, but is also hard to live on!! The difficulty has to do with the job market, as well as our lack of local knowledge.

Anyways, I guess we had both begun to think that we'd stick it out for 6 months (the period of tenancy agreement) and just enjoy our time here - well, until yesterday when Zanne was offered an amazing opportunity with her former Director (great pay, a step forward in her career). It's an opportunity that is too hard to pass up really, especially when we were already thinking we'd be home soon anyway.

It's a little bit disappointing that things have been so short here, however it's not as if we haven't traveled or lived overseas before. We were here hoping for a better life - but $12/hr won't get us there! Vancouver is an amazing, inspiring city and we don't want to get all bitter and twisted about it you know?

But really the point of us coming here was to be legally married... so guess what? Over the next week or so we're going to organise ourselves a small wedding here in Vancouver, before honeymooning in New York, San Francisco and L.A. So, even though, things haven't worked out the way we had hoped, we're still the luckiest girls in the world :-)

The dates of everything are not officially official yet however we'll likely be home for mid-November as Zanne has to start work.

Stay tuned for wedding pics!

Shazanne xo

1 comment:

  1. Oh I can't wait to see wedding pics! I believe everything happens for a reason and it sounds like you two are meant to move back to Brisbane. Good luck on your move and congrats on the upcoming wedding!


Time in Vancouver:

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