Wednesday, December 9, 2009

lesbian zombies

December 5: Here we are, lesbian zombies, at our friend's late Halloween Party December 4: Hanging with some of our most fave peeps at Dave and Zoe's place
December 3: My new shoes have received many comments - cos they're awesome obviously!
Clothing is a hot topic with Zanne and I lately: Zanne's workplace has a corporate dress code, which requires more thought and preparation than she's used to, and I have to cover my tattoos at work, which means I'm sweating in the Brisbane heat!
As a result of the corporate and sweaty situations we have gotten ourselves into, we're both realising that skirts might be the answer (eek!). I'm now vowing to learn to sew so we can wear cool, vintage, quirky skirts at least.
December 2: We received our marriage certificate!
And my Mum framed it for us immediately :-)


  1. Liking the "long" hair Zanne!
    Love the shoes Shan, cause they are indeed awesome

  2. Your hair got SO long! You look like a grown up.


Time in Vancouver:

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